Filinta Mustafa Episode 13 In Urdu Subtitles

Filinta Mustafa Episode 13 In Urdu Subtitles
Filinta Mustafa Episode 13 in Urdu Subtitles What can you talk about your friendship and loyalty? Today he attacked and tomorrow I will attack him. Blood will flow gutter. You got up, you try to run a merchant ship in the sea of blood. Mr. Osman. Attacking a wedding caravan is of course treacherous. But. We are not the one who will prevent this treachery. Toy is your toy. Liability is your responsibility. Your true lesson is my naive, my naive. Responsibility is my responsibility. Revenge is my revenge though. It is on top of Nikola,
Even if it was my friend who came between us.
You know I don’t look at the age of your eyes. His righteous revenge. Who can trap you now? We do whatever we can. I said I would say. Get out of my car, enough. You’re off the horse. I brought news from Tekfur Nicola. I would like to see Mr. Osman. Let it pass. My lord, are there any destructs? Come on. in Urdu Subtitles My lord Nicola sent a messenger. Alas, in. Head of the coffer, Nicola. It tells the place where Togay is hiding. He has no ties to Togay. He says that it has nothing to do with the caravan raid. We cannot rely on his word. This is a new game of Nikola
This guy didn’t always be a friend to us. I realize this is a trap.
However, we will go anyway. What are we going to do, Mr. Osman? Are we going to go to the trap? We will go, brother, we will go. We will take our measures, we will go like that. Because we have no possibility but to go. I will pursue even the slightest possibility Kurulus Osman Season 1 Episode 27 With Urdu Subtitles that will give me Togay. Besides, this Nikola is not going to make such an obvious game. Perhaps it is true that they fell into each other with Togay. However, we need to be sure about this, Mr. Osman. We will understand, brother, we will understand. However, he has no choice but to go and see. Let’s get the alps ready.
Your order is yours, Osman. It is the gold Nikola paid for the
goods we delivered, sir. Well done, Bahadır, thank you. You can get out now. We will continue to trade with Nikola to infiltrate the İnegöl castle. What about Mr. Osman? He sees us as a traitor, like all his brother-in-law. Filinta Mustafa Episode 13 in Urdu Subtitles This situation bothers me too. He put the responsibility of the attack on the wedding caravan on us. Why don’t you tell Nikola about our main intention in selling horses, sir? Even though we seem like a traitor in the eyes of both Osman and his obese,
we cannot make our game obvious. We cannot explain our
intention until the traitor in the Kayı oba is revealed. Then Nikola learns our purpose. The owner of the mind is still in the camp. Osman Bey accuses us of treason while the traitor stands among them. Do not worry, the time of that traitor is approaching. The Neighbors are getting ready to set out, sir. The crowds seem to be raiding. However, we could not see Togay, sir.Filinta Filinta Mustafa Episode 13
Since the neurons are here, it’s here too. Brother, I will finish off Togay.
You, too, your spokes. You do not be curious. None of them will survive. Lets. Alps! Alpine for Abdurrahman Gazi! Come on, God! Pusat! Togay. When Togay returns, I will present his head as a gift to him, Osman! Where are you Togay? Alps! We’re going back. Filinta Mustafa Episode 12