Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 107 In Urdu Subtitles

Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 107 In Urdu Subtitles
Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 107 In Urdu Subtitles By the grace of Allah, he will soon regain consciousness. Inshallah Hasan Sahib. It’s a shame not just for The Awar, but for the empire. It is very sad to think of the anger of the people.
The charge is like a sword, a woman, crossing every shield. But there is one shield that it can do no harm to— that is faith. When they take allah’s refuge and supplication as their shield , by the grace of Allah, these swords are placed in their sheaths. Sultana! Sultan Alp Arslan’s message has come. The Sultan has conquered Surmari and captured The Emperor bagrat of Georgia.
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Thank you. To keep emperor Bagrat in captivityit is being brought. Where is Emperor Bagrat now? It’s in the yard, locked in a prisoner’s car. Sultan Min! What happened, why so much chaos, where is the army? Mardan has brought the message of spies. Bagrat’s army is moving towards Surmari according to the information, they are coming from this route.
This is an important issue of the time, we have to solve it. I have asked Mr. Qaward, where is your army? Mardan is the head of the army, sultan when we are fighting the Georgian army , he will surround them from behind. We will defeat the infidels Insha Allah Sultan. ”Aani Qila” Adrian! Sir! I am writing to Caesar for immediate help , and you write to Lebarant Nikola of Georgia that Emperor Bagrat has been captured by the Turks. If he wants to sit on the throne ,
Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 107 Trailer In Urdu Subtitles
he should act before he hears the news of Prince Dmitry’s arrest of his brother. We will also help if needed. Don’t waste time. Which order. Safaria Sultan Hazrat (coming). Open! Welcome to the Palace of the Great Seljuk Emperor Bagrat.
The closures should be opened so that they consider themselves guests here. Even if we can’t keep you in the guest house , on the orders of Safaria Sultan, consider yourself a guest, not a prisoner. Mardan’s information has proved to be true. Sultan Alp Arslan! This is our king’s murderous army they will protect the Roman land according to the king’s command and take revenge on the Turks.
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damn it! Where is Mardan? Why hasn’t the army arrived yet? Hakeem Afandi Drink this too. Open your eyes, inform the traveling woman immediately. Thank you. I was also waiting for you to come to your senses, Pastor. You have to know a very important thing.
Julia woman, he has just come to his senses. It’s just a little thing. Pastor Sahib I am going to marry Seljuki Bahadur Batoor Sahib By marrying a Muslim, am I not going to commit any big sin? Julia Khatun, Don’t see, you’ve just come to your senses, man. She sings all night! Repentance. Why are you standing now? Go, let’s go. Lahul Wila Quwat ul Aballah. Sultan Alp Arslan!
Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 107 In Urdu Youtube
Just as you killed Emperor Bagrat, I will kill you without any hesitation. The king is alive, I have a prison, but you will die. Mr. Coward! Your son was going to surround the enemies from behind, so where is man? The reason for the delay is not known Sultan.
This is how the plan is set up! When you came out of the army, I believed you, not Mardan. Will you be such a leader? Baba, now the arrow has come out of the bow Now decide Baba Whether you are with me on this journey or not? Just as you want. According to Conte Leon’s plan, the army under you should not come to help. I will go with a few soldiers and tell Alp Arslan that the Georgian army is the aggressor. And I will protect myself from being suspicious with this accurate information. And instead of attacking Georgia’s army, you have to stand in your place and fulfill Leon’s plan.
Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 107
Now that you have taken the arrow out of the bow without asking me, you will be remembered as a traitor in ray in this journey. Until I become powerful and Al Sancak Shikari Episode 10 In Urdu Subtitles take the throne, you will have to seek refuge with your ally, Cont Leon. All right? Half of the army is missing with your son
and the other half is martyred because of your son. Whatever the explanation, Mardan will have to pay a price. Head on the eyes, Sultan Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 106 In Urdu Subtitles I don’t know what happened, where it remained. Now just let Mardan come under my control once. see what I do. If We had sent down this Qur’an on a mountain, you would have seen it bowing down by the grace of Allah.