Filinta Mustfa Episode 21 With Urdu Subtitles

Filinta Mustfa Episode 21 With Urdu Subtitles
Filinta Mustfa Episode 21 With Urdu Subtitles If we die we are martyrs, if we stay we are veterans was to strengthen Nikola. He was going to make soldiers with this gold and attack us.Sir, you obviously broke your game. Now don’t get mad any more.Did we get this gold from the Mongolian master Davut? What will they rage for?We got it from our enemy, who is known to the world.Well, as for the gold that the Mongolian wanted from us
Here, those golds are here.Well,
it will be difficult for them to buy their own gold, of course.Well, they will see what will happen to those who play tricks on Kayı.Thanks.This will be circulating from language to language. Our veterans at the edge will be proud of you.Then more veterans will join us. Filinta Mustfa Episode 20 With Urdu Subtitles We will prepare accordingly. We will have hundreds of thousands of veterans, not tens of alps.My father’s will will be fulfilled.Hopefully.I hope all the people will gather under our banner.
Filinta Mustfa Episode 21 With Urdu Subtitles
We will move step by step. But we will not let our guard down.Since Nikola is so close to the Mongolian, this will be over.However, we will be vigilant. We will keep crushing Nikola without pulling the Mongolian on us!May God give you strength, Osman Bey.Filinta Mustfa Episode 21 With Urdu Subtitles With your permission then.Thank you brother, permission is yours.You should send these gold coins to Konya to our sultan.At your command,
What did you learn from this conversation?
What is this justice?We said that it is justice for something to stay where it belongs, my sheikh.So what is injustice, wrestler dervish? Kurulus Osman Season 1 Episode 19 With Urdu Subtitles It is taking something from where it belongs and putting it where it does not belong, my sheikh.True.Now you say, Kumral Abdal, when will injustice be justified?Never my sheikh.What if it was made for the sake of Allah Almighty.Will injustice be done to Allah Almighty, whose name is just, my sheikh?
It can’t be done, of course.You say, Osman Bey,
can injustice be done for the benefit of the state?The state exists to ensure justice, my sheikh.Injustice can never be in the interest of the state.Can an alp do injustice for the benefit of a brain, Boran alp?He can’t, my sheikh shouldn’t.Even if injustice is done to a non-Muslim?No, my sheik.Mashallah, mashallah.My Sheikh,we will come again with Boran Alp tomorrow.And we establish justice before the court.
Will you steal food again, Cerkutay?
I’m used to eating at this time.Bamsi Bey eats at this time.One plate is not enough for what?Not for me, for Mr. Bamsi.Mr. Bamsi, for Mr. Bamsi?I know Aygül, my Bamsi bey was martyred.But I cannot accept.Cerkutay…Bam-I know some wounds never heal.It’s hard to live without him in Bamsi’s tent, isn’t it?I’m alone too.Alone with my baby in the big tent. Fine, eat your food.sir.We will go to the lodge of my sheikh Edebali with you tonight.As you command, sir.Now…Akça dervish, we had a conversation about justice.