Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 103 In Urdu Subtitles

Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 103 In Urdu Subtitles
Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 103 In Urdu Subtitles May Allah lengthen your rule, and strengthen your domination, every evil and a hundred.May Allah protect you and protect and support you, since he has taken over the reins of affairs,
the Amir ul Mu’minin has decided to transfer all state affairs and powers to you and bestow upon you the highest position of honor and glory. Amen! When the Caliph was reading your letter, I was in front of him. Your sister Khadija Arsalan Khatun, the wife of the Caliph, ordered me to read sermons in the name of you and the Khalifa Hazrat near Makkah and Madinah.
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This is the blessed wazifa that Allah almighty has bestowed on us through the Caliph. We will pay it in a good way, everyone should be satisfied. As long as we rule, the sun of justice will continue to shine further, and all those under our rule will live a prosperous life.
Inshallah! I cannot rest in peace I am very worried for his life we have to get rid of our brother as soon as possible. With the lord’s permission, they will get both from their possession, Sultan Respected! To both Avar and Aani, don’t worry. That’s what I was looking for— as if it meant something similar to the verse you were reciting over and over again—the text says:
Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 103 Trailer In Urdu Subtitles
“Ask the animals, they will teach you. ask the birds, they will tell you, or speak to the earth, it will inform you– the fish of the sea will speak to you.” “Like your book, you have memorized the Gospel, I did not know this. Whatever I read carefully,
it does not easily disappear from my memory, Emperor Bagrat it is incumbent on man to know well about what he believes in . . . he should know what did not believe in him and why he did not believe, yes? It is heard that Cont Leon did not think it enough to throw you in front of us as a grain , but he has rolled up his sleeves to hand over your throne to the Leparith family. Dmitry! Dimitri Will your brother be able to resist alone against the Leparet family with the help of Cont Leon?
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Does he have so much power? He is still young and inexperienced, he can kill my brother. Nico Liparat will do his best to ascend the throne. If I have to be kept here, Sultan Alp Arslan. then you must help my brother and ensure his ascension to the throne.
yes. Aren’t you and your brother my enemies? It’s a different matter. we can somehow compromise with each other but not with the Leparet family. Or I, or my brother Dimitri, should ascend the throne. It is in your interest, Sultan Alp Arslan. My brother is still in the Area of Derbent under his command. Arslan in the game of power you have to support it. Emperor Bagrat was sure to ask for your help, Sultan Respected! But. it will happen in this situation, I did not think at all.
Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 103 In Urdu Youtube
Thereis no other option, he knows. why is hafiz with him in zindan, Haji? Respected Sultan! If you want, change his cell? On the contrary, as long as Bagrat is there, keep him with him. I don’t know the reason, but I still have faith in Bagrat’s intelligence and intellect. Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 101 In Urdu Subtitles Respected Sultan! The traitor is at your feet who deserves it, Respected Sultan. Get up. Get up, tell me ,
who threatened you? What provoked you to this treachery, speak. Respected Sultan! I know my son better. Surely this bastard infidel must have threatened him with his life, otherwise he would not have done anything like this. Speak, tell me. Al Sancak Shikari Episode 14 In Urdu Subtitles No need no explanation will reduce the extent of his crime even if he threatened her with his life, thousands of lives were lost because of it. Speak, tell me a justification, why are you silent? Whatever I did, I did it with my own consent. Take him from here, do the last ablution. Respected Sultan!