Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 101 In Urdu Subtitles

Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 101 In Urdu Subtitles
Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 101 In Urdu Subtitles Why don’t you say anything! Probably in shock. Obviously, it’s very hard to have children from there. Or rabbi! He’s not speaking, he’s not listening to us. What did they do to our brave!
They probably tormented his soul more than the body. There can be no other reason for this silence. Is there any internal wound on the body, doctor? We didn’t get any more wounds, Minister Hazrat! My brother? Where is my brother?! Oar! The situation is not good, Sultan Min! Not speaking at all. It’s looking the same way in one place. Won’t you talk to me too? I am your Sultan , Alp Arslan. Sultan Alp will stab Arsalan in the heart! Right in the heart! Yes, look into my eyes. Oar!
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Talk to me, brother? The dagger will punch Sultan Alp Arslan in the heart! Satan! I will take account of every injustice done to you. Do whatever you can. Treat Awar Sahib as soon as possible. Whatever has happened will end. it will end. ”Ani Fort” Georgia has declared mourning, sir!
People shed tears over what happened to Emperor Bagrat. According to what we have heard, Prince Dmitry will leave Darband today for the coronation ceremony. And the big coated Nicola? Thank you for the army you sent, sir! They especially wanted me to tell you, it’s a great honour for them to be united with you. And said that he would not allow any member of the Bagrat family to sit on the throne of Georgia again.
Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 101 Trailer In Urdu Subtitles
And that, without a doubt, he will wear the crown in the capital Tbilisi. The Sultan has sent many soldiers to Georgia. What if I leave, too? I also know how to shoot arrows. I want to go too, Mr. Bator! What did I tell you, Chief Alp? Just shooting arrows is not enough.
You have to hit the exact target each time. I won’t go into this fight either. Together we will defend Ray in the sultan’s absence. All right? I arranged a trip for you, Mr. Bator! You’re not going? I am very happy, then our marriage will happen soon. Repentance, forgiveness of Allah! Nothing will happen, Julia Woman! You misunderstood me. When you listened to me, I had the courage to say this. I was repeating those words to myself. You didn’t offer me marriage? Not of it!
Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 101 In Urdu Facebook
Hasbana Allah (Allah is sufficient for us)! I didn’t. Soon we will go to Georgia to make your brother Dmitri king, Emperor Bagrat! But in return your brother will have to be a vassal of the Seljuks. It will be, there is no other way. is. Not because there is no other way.
I want him to write a letter so that he knows that you are also pleased. Emperor Bagrat! Why don’t you speak, what are you thinking? What you are doing for us is not your mercy, Sultan Alp Arslan! It will be in your favor for Dmitri to ascend the throne instead of Liparat. Either write that letter and give a sign to believe it. Or, Liparet and his companions will kill your brother before he sits on the throne. If you want your brother to be safe, to be on the throne, and to rule Georgia in the Bagrat dynasty.
Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 101 In Urdu Youtube
So listen to me. I will accept all your conditions, Sultan Alp Arslan! But I also have a condition. Allow me to go to Georgia as a vassal of the Seljuks. So you were planning it. You turned down my offer in Surmari, and resisted. Cause the death of my men. Alparslan Season 2 Episode 61 in Urdu Subtitles From now on, you are replaced by the Seljuk state. It’s also my seal at the same time. Write and seal your letter to become vassal.
And you can give the necklace to Dimitri. Congratulations to my brother on being king. Seeing my command, he will unhesitatingly pledge allegiance to you. Made the right decision, Emperor Bagrat! We will see, Sultan Alp Arslan! You and I will not go into this war, Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 99 In Urdu Subtitles Chief Alp! We will stay here and practice archery. And after practicing well, we will go together for victory. Sultan Alp Arslan Hazrat! Go safe and come back as soon as possible. My prayers are with you, Sultan Min!
Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 101
Your prayers are always like a shield protecting us, Safaria! I’m very sad for Awar. And my mind will stay here. Don’t worry. I will take care of it myself. Thanks! All of you under God’s protection! Kudos!
In the heart of Sultan Alp Arslan. Right in the heart! ”Tbilisi” wonders why you’ve been called to this remote cave, aren’t they? As you know, Emperor Bagrat is a prisoner of the Turks. And if we allow Prince Dmitry to take over the throne of Georgia , I’m afraid Georgia will wait to change its dark days again! Dimitri will run Georgia under the guidance of his brother Bagrat.
All right, but who will run the prison bugrat? The Turks who hold its ropes therefore we should not allow any bagrat to sit on the throne of Georgia. What do you want from us, Prince Nicola? Now, my friends! I want you to be the great commander of the Georgian Empire. And soon save Georgia from the Turkish occupation. You and your soldiers stay with me.