Tozkoparan Season 1 In Urdu Subtitles

Tozkoparan Season 1 Episode 1 In Urdu Subtitles

Tozkoparan Season 1 Episode 1 In Urdu Subtitles

Tozkoparan Season 1 Episode 1 In Urdu Subtitles Our team is working, it will be known۔ You guys went to the agent’s place, didn’t you؟ Did you find out ؟ The chairman was at the ceremony at the time۔ The British girl gave a card to the House۔ We are now trying to

find out about this card۔ Mager got a little mess after they got out of there۔۔ The issue of leaving the House deteriorated۔۔ The matter went bad۔۔ This means that this is definitely the work of Korkat Ali۔۔ No, I did nothing۔ Yes happening۔۔ More will be improved۔ He is capable and intelligent۔۔ Not going to stop somewhere۔۔ I will teach him to stop۔

Tozkoparan Season 1 Episode 1 Trailer In Urdu Subtitles

Today I am going to Ankara, I will talk to you when I come back۔ Yaldrum ! You are all careful and do not lose your temper۔ You were worried, Mr۔ He who loses courage dies of Assyria۔ It is our duty to be careful and to know for our homeland۔ Amy ironed my clothes?

I have said that their hands are safe, sir۔ So do that my clients tell you everything, you write their statement and then let them go۔ Yes, of course ! Why not ! Then we will go to the prosecutor’s office and say that we told them to be safe and let them go۔ The prosecutor will decide the case۔ Even if there is no terrorist, Mager can’t miss it so easily after shooting at any person۔۔ Let me say,

Tozkoparan Season 1 Episode 1 In Urdu Youtube

I was invited to a Hartmann Dedication Program۔ Shortly afterwards, Thomas Sahib came on stage and began his speech۔ Shortly after his speech, some masked terrorists entered۔ They did not have a number plate on their car۔۔ And you got out of there and went to the doctor۔۔

That’s exactly what happened۔ Then he left home and waited for your car۔ Where did you meet with Narin Sahiba؟ Inspector Sahiba, this is their private matter, I don’t think it has anything to do with the accident۔ Well, I’ll just ask Narin Sahiba again۔ Bring here, they Filinta Mustfa Episode 22 With Urdu Subtitles have to be signed۔ Put Alderme in jail۔ Until the arrival of the prosecutor۔۔۔ Inspector Sahba, we have come here ourselves۔ You also know their home, is it necessary to put in jail right now؟ I will try to get you out of here as soon as possible۔ Ok chairman sir ! We send you those documents۔

Tozkoparan Season 1 Episode 1 In Urdu Facebook

Yaldrum Bozuk is not a Steadem security aferer, so he can’t lie like me quickly, he has been imprisoned۔ You turn everything into a joke۔ They will be left in a while۔ Inspector Janan does not have any mercy۔ That’s right, I didn’t even let me eat properly۔ Who is that abducted girl؟ One of the guests at the event۔ If the list takes our hands, it will be easier to find out۔ Brothers !

I think you all go and relax, a lot has happened today۔ I check with Elf, maybe get a list۔ The Elderm brothers will also come here in two or three hours, we are here until they come۔ Well, let us know if something happened۔ Age didn’t work with you ! It’s not going anywhere۔۔ Even if you were jailed for two hours۔ You will remember that the chairman was a time when we often went to jail to hide our identity۔

Tozkoparan Season 1 Bolum 1 In Urdu Makkitv

I have spoken to the prosecutor, he has been informed in full detail۔ They will talk to the police and resolve the issue quietly۔ There is an idea in my mind with all these things۔ Stadium explosion and then attack the ceremony ۔۔ You have to say that there is a lot behind it all۔۔

Habator alone is not able to do all this۔ That’s exactly what the name didn’t come to us for no reason۔۔ Do we have anything else about Goran؟ Not yet, the real question mark is Thomas Hartmann۔ Going to target him at such an event, didn’t you find it weird؟

Tozkoparan Season 1 Episode 1 In Urdu Release Date?

People with our computers kept trying until morning۔ Hussein Kochakli ! The head of the naval department, the abducted girl, is his daughter۔ And last night in the case of agents, we followed the

House۔ Has this Hussein Kochakli filed a report Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 125 In Urdu Subtitles of his daughter’s abduction؟ no ! He seems to be being intimidated۔ Otherwise why would they kidnap the daughter of a naval department؟ There must be a ship coming from the sea, which they want to send without checking۔ Did we know

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