
Valuable Inventory No Content in AdSense Violation Fixed

Valuable Inventory No Content in AdSense Violation Fixed

Valuable Inventory No Content in AdSense Violation Fixed To get accepted by AdSense, you need to create a website or blog that is out of date. If you offer a website that is currently under construction or development, you will be rejected. There are many types of AdSense violations that will lead to rejection, one of them is valuable inventory: No content.

This type of rejection is often encountered by start-up bloggers with newly-designed websites.. So many people are anxious to monetize their blog. As a result, AdSense rejection rate is very high..

Valuable Inventory: There are no violations of any kind that will appear when you submit a request with a blog that has insufficient content or no content. This is pretty self explanatory but for beginners, it can be pretty confusing.

Guide How to Fix Error Valuable Inventory No Content

To reduce such adsense violations from happening, you must submit a blog that already has at least 30 written articles. You can get approval with less than this. However, when you have too many published posts, Adsense will know that your website is dead and ready to make money off it. Your chance of approval will increase significantly!

Of course, just having too many articles doesn’t guarantee approval. A blog with low-quality content can also trigger valuable inventory: not content violations. AdSense is making sure your content is useless.

Therefore, you need to have quality articles. Based on my experience, here are the general characteristics of a written essay:

  • Original article, not copied from other websites.
  • Unique writing style.
  • Contains at least 800 words.
  • Contains non-copyright image.
  • Consists of internal and external connections to a well-known source.
  • Easy to read.
  • Clear formatting.

Valuable Inventory: No content will appear when your blog consists of only a few published posts, a few words, embedded video or images only, scrapped articles, machine-generated articles, etc.

In short, you can fix valuable inventory: Having lots of published posts doesn’t violate content and those posts need to be of high quality.
However, sometimes you would have done these two important tasks but still you receive this violation. This could be due to several other reasons:

Broken Theme or Script

Errors in your theme or template may be unable to correctly assess your website content. Change up your theme !

Slow Loading Speed

Adsense will not be able to properly handle your website if you load too long. Slow loading speed may be due to heavy theme or bad server (if you are using non-blogger platform).

Making Major Changes During The Review Period

It typically takes up to two weeks for adsense to review your blog. If you made a major edit to your website during the review period, AdSense will not be able to complete the review properly, thus you will be rejected.

Indexing problems

Simply put, indexation is the process of listing your website in Google search results. This way visitors can easily discover your content. If your website is private or can’t be flagged off, even AdSense may be unable to discover your content.

Wrong Robot Dot TXT Setting Indexing Problems. Don’t edit your robot dot text if you don’t know what you’re doing. For blogger users, leave the robot dot text setting as default. This way, the Adsense Crawler will be able to find your blog and review your content.

Must Read Complete Guide About Indexing Issues In Below Article, There is a Complete Guide how to Fix the Indexing Problems on Blogger.

Patience Is The Key to Adsense Approval

If you’re a new blogger, don’t worry. Build your website well and populate it with lots of good content. Creating a blog using AdSense can’t be done right away.

For some bloggers with published posts, AdSense approval is actually irrelevant. What this means is that you won’t get any meaningful income. So it’s better to create your content first, get a stable visitor, then you can think about monetization.

Please don’t forget that monetization is only relevant if you have good content in the first place!

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